
New: BetterCacher banner generator

Generate a personalized banner for your geocache including the BetterCacher tier.

BetterCacher Banner

By including our banners, you help to make BetterCacher better known and thus increase the cache quality on It's also a recognition for your work and the quality of your geocache.

HTML-Code:<p><a href=""><img alt="This cache is listed on" src="" style="width: 600px;" /></a></p>

Also show in your profile that your geocache is listed on BetterCacher.

HTML-Code:<p><a href=""><img alt="My geocaches are listed on" src="" style="width: 600px;" /></a></p>

How do I embed the banners?

Follow our step-by-step guide to embed our banners in your profile.

Open your listing and click "Edit".

Click on "Source Code".

Scroll down the page until you find the HTML editor.

Copy our HTML code from above.

Copy our HTML code to the end of the text in the editor.

Click "Source Code" again and confirm the warning.

Save your changes by clicking the save button at the bottom of the page. Finished.