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Support Center

How can we help you?

Here you can find information about BetterCacher, how to suggest geocaches and much more.


BetterCacher offers a variety of integrations with other services and websites. Learn more about it here.


BetterCacher supports CacheVote voting in the listing. The current rating is loaded by CacheVote and represents the combined rating of GCVote and Cachevote.
Learn more: cachevote.org

My Finds Import

Import your finds from geocaching.com. We mark all your finds from geocaching.com on BetterCacher. If you want, we post your geocaching.com logs on BetterCacher.
Import: view link

Lists Export

You can export any public BetterCacher list or one of your own from BetterCacher to geocaching.com to search for these geocaches.
Your lists: view link