Hey BetterCacher Community,
We are proud to announce that BetterCacher is now officially integrated with c:geo! After a long period of collaboration, testing, and thanks to the invaluable feedback from many of you, this exciting integration has finally become a reality.
What does this mean for you?
For those who missed the beta phase: you can now directly access the special geocaches of BetterCacher within c:geo. Our platform is renowned for its curated selection of particularly notable geocaches, and with this integration, you can discover and experience these unique finds more easily than ever.
A seamless geocaching experience
The days of toggling between different apps and platforms are truly over. With BetterCacher in c:geo, you can look forward to a simplified, integrated, and most importantly, fun geocaching experience. Whether you are seasoned pros in the world of geocaching or just getting started – this integration will enrich your adventures.
A big thank you to the community
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the beta version.
A massive shoutout to the c:geo team for their support and commitment in making this project come to life.
Join us, explore the unique geocaches that BetterCacher has to offer directly in your c:geo app, and share your experiences with us!
The adventure awaits – happy hunting!
Download the c:geo app on the Play Store and activate BetterCacher in the settings:
Ein frohes, neues Jahr wünschen wir Euch allen! Viele tolle, unvergessliche Funde in 2023.
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